Saturday, December 25, 2010

You Can Make Things Happen!

MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year.

What a crazy mixed up year this has been and I can't wait to see what happens NEXT year!
Its been a long time between posts but that's because things were happening so fast.

Last August I decided I wanted a more crystal clear cut message and niche for my public speaking career and I definately needed to go out and find one.

First, I decided to take my own advice and "Get out there" be pro-active and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN and lo and behold.....they did!

In my quest to find my professional speaking "message" I decided to just put myself out there, doing what I love and in doing so I would eventually find my "message" for my speaking business. So, at the suggestion of my Yoga teacher I tried doing what I love, cooking.

I offer cooking demonstrations to different kinds of facilities and this little part-time business has taken off like a rocket! I work only in the afternoons. No more than 3 hours each day. No nights, no weekends, make my own hours while wearing jeans.

I'm also calling on schools and have some ideas for taking this business to the next level.
In the meantime, I'm meeting fabulous people, learning to run my own business, be my own boss and basically be "Captain of my own ship" which is what I've always wanted to do.

You know the book "Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow? So folks if you have a hobby you like doing ....maybe you could turn it into a profitable business too. You know what Famous Amos said....."Just Do It"!!! I guess you could say at age 72 my message could be
"It's Never Too Late!!

Happy New Year Everyone. I just know 2011 is going to be a wonderful productive year!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Lost Summer!!

Sorry to say this past month of July was a definite washout for me!
Of course if you love hot, humid, steamy probably enjoyed it.
I, on the other hand had major surgery and between that and the intensely hot humid weather here in New England the whole month of July while trying to recuperate, I basically became a recluse.

I stayed inside my air conditioned place where it was nice and comfortable.
You could not even step outside for a breath of air. There was none! It felt like walking into an oven. I really hate the heat!

Hopefully, I will try and make up for lost time this weekend and get to the beach, finally.

In the meantime, the reason I'm writing this blog is because I learned a lot about myself and others by my recent health issue. One of the things I learned is that when your sick you really find out about people. Which ones care, which ones call and which ones are really there for you. It can be very depressing when your missing part of your support system, and I won't say who, but I think that hurt me more than the pain I had from the operation. Yes, that pain was definately worse. The lack of empathy and insensitivity to what I'd gone through was defining for me. I will forgive but I will never forget. Never!

All I can say is, Thank God for my sweet husband and caring sister! I love them both very, very much. My prognosis is excellent and I'm a lucky lady!! Carole

Monday, June 21, 2010

This Blog's For You!


You Wonderful, Women of Wisdom! I am dedicating this blog to YOU!

My feeling is this: There are certain issues which we women go through in our lives that nobody ever prepares us for. Which ones ? Well, let me innumerate just a few and let me know if this resonates with any of you.

1. How do I go through aging without agonizing?
2. I take care of everyone.....How can I put myself back on the list?
3. What is a good way to de-stress?
4. How do I get out of my rut and change my life?
5. How do I turn my dreams into a reality?

These, are but a few. There are many, many more and we shall address them one by one.
Then, as we continue, what I'd like to do is have you comment on them and we'll go from there.

Perhaps someone may have an issue which may require us to add to the list...but just know this... we'll talk, discuss and all of us will hopefully become involved, because that is what this blog will primarily be about. Sharing, learning, teaching, discussing, having thoughtful, interesting and hopefully relevant topics from which all of us can learn.

So do'nt hesitate to comment and reach out and let's grow together as a community of vibrant women.



Thursday, June 10, 2010


Another Year Older!!5/21/2010.....How fitting to begin a brand new blog on my birthday!!Yup! Another year older..Of course you understand, I've been lying about my age for so long I tried to forget the date.So when I awoke this morning and opened my eyes, the first thing my husband said was.."Happy birthday dear", which jolted me into thinking "oh yeah!! is today the day??" He remembered and I didn't. What a sweetheart! Even his birthday card made me burst into tears as I read it, it was so touching and beautiful. I am truly blessed.All this, from the man I was so afraid would never remember our anniversary that I made sure we got married on Christmas Day. Little did I know then, how thoughtful he really is. Never once in 46 years did he ever forget ANY important dates. Not once!! Now how many husbands can say that? If anything, I'm the one that's forgetful.See what happens when your birthdays come around too kind of conveniently forget them till soneone near and dear to you remembers for you.Well, birthdays beat the alternative.....don't you think? Warmly, Carole
Posted by Speaking Of Women at 4:29 PM


Speaking of Women - Dreams and Change


7 Steps to Realizing Your Dreams, Spice Up Your Life & Say Hello To Your Future Self!!!

Whether it’s going back to school for your degree, or becoming an entrepreneur in a new start up company, or whether you just want some
CHANGE in your life. Even if you’re young or old, married or divorced, rich or poor, make up your mind to put these steps I give you into action NOW by taking things off the back burner, then watch as you transform, grow as a person and reinvent yourself.
Have you ever found yourself daydreaming?
Did you ever want to do something else with your life?
Was there ever a time you found yourself fantasizing about living your life differently?
Have you ever put your dreams on hold?
Did you ever hear yourself saying to friends (or to yourself)….someday I’d like to do……….
Are you filled with dread and fearful of change or failure?

“If you’re afraid for your future, you don’t have a present” – James Petersen

Let’s think for a moment…

What if you woke up one morning and were suddenly granted one wish.. to spend the rest of your working years doing something you absolutely loved and enjoyed, fulfilled your creativity, filled you up emotionally and gave you a sense of productivity and well-being. Wouldn’t THAT be great? What would the value of that be for you? Think about that for a moment?
There may be those of you who don’t know what you want to do differently but still want to change things anyway. Stay tuned, there’s hope for you too.
The reason I know this is because at the age of 70, I have finally done it, I am doing something I’ve always dreamed of doing but for years told myself the time was not right. The truth is I was filled with fear.

Overcoming Fear ~

Sometimes it takes courage to change things and most people don’t like change. Don’t dwell on the fact that it is actually change. The best thing to do is to tell yourself that what you’re doing is just different, and try to embrace it. Most times, change is good but sometimes, with change, comes fear.

Fear can be overcome just by surrounding yourself with people knowledgeable enough in the field of your endeavor to help you by either mentoring you, basically showing you the way, or arming yourself with all the information needed toward your goal that it will empower you enough to move forward. Remember, knowledge is power and this reduces the fear. In other words, once your shown the way and you learn “How”, your fear will diminish.

In any case, I believe if you follow certain steps, it may be possible to turn your dreams into reality. I know they did for me.

Here’s how!

“The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this. Decide what you want.” –Ben Stein

First, define your dream and what it is you’d really like to spend the remainder of your time doing. Then go about planning what you’ve always wanted to do!

Second: For those who are not sure….. ask yourself…
What are you passionate about? Passion is an intense, driving emotion! What things drive you?
What are you good at?
What things do you enjoy?
Who are you all about? If someone were to describe you, who would they say you are?
What are your hobbies?

Ask yourself this…have you ever had a hobby you enjoyed playing at? Was it something that took you into a complete state of relaxation, peace and calm? Remember how completely and utterly happy you were in the moment? Can you remember? That’s because with a hobby, you’re just playing at it and enjoying it, so your mind and body are totally relaxed.
What if you could turn what you love doing into a full time career and spend your time doing what you enjoy for the rest of your years? Wouldn’t that make you happy?

Third - Make sure the timing is right in your life. Don’t plan living your dream just when Junior is getting ready to attend college (unless of course you can afford it.)

Fourth - Step out of your comfort zone. Make friends with people with the same interest. Mix, mingle, join, learn, laugh, have some fun. This will all add to your confidence level because you will be thrown in with other like-minded people and learn to grow as an individual. This does wonders for your confidence level and personal development.

Fifth – Surround yourself with positive people. Get rid of all the negativity in your life especially negative people, they’ll bring you down. Attend events relevant to your interest and make some new friends.

SIXTH – Don’t make excuses – I’m too old, too young, too busy, too tired, can’t afford it, too difficult, no time, etc. etc. lose the blues! Some people spend more time coming up with reasons NOT to do something then they do dreaming of what they can accomplish. Be prepared to shed some old habits.

SEVEN- Read, learn and educate yourself. Talk, transform and communicate with anyone and everyone. Become a sponge.

Follow these 7 steps and I promise you, if nothing else, they will at least bring variety and spice to your life, you’ll grow as a person, overcome some fears and you might be lucky enough to be living your dream and reinvent yourself in the process!

Remember, this bears repeating: Mix mingle, join, learn and laugh, get off that couch and put down that remote! Get Out, learn new things and have some fun!!! In any case just remember, ITS NEVER TOO LATE!!!!

Submitted by Carole Goldstein, Motivational Speaker, Image Consultant, Certified Coach, Author., Quincy, Ma. . 617-770-9978, go to